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Renewable Substation|濱海永續變電站

An offshore PV systems development plan in Changhua Coastal Industrial Park 
are designed with a solar exhibition building and landscape to promote the renewable concept.


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Intercontinental Container Substation|洲際貨櫃變電站

The project is to provide a basic and simple substation and use "container" as the concept to show the Kaohsiung Port landscape.



Dormitory Apartment |濱海員工宿舍

For employee dormitories along the coast of Taiwan, a special wall design is designed on the north side to provide comfortable and good accommodation quality through wind-shielding and wind-guiding facilities.



Meath Rural Housing |米斯郊區民宅

A single detached Two Storey House was design with using Coursed Rubble stonework to represent Irish style housing culture and natural rural landscape. 

​位於愛爾蘭米斯郡 (Meath),以天然切割石材及保暖材料創造具有當地特色、冬暖夏涼、與地景融為一體的郊區透天住宅。

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MRT BRH Station|棕線捷運站

Taoyuan MRT construction tender"Brown Line" main stations and MRT Depot design. The Brown Line is like a breeze in between the valley so the curved-shape roof and peach blossom pattern in the skylight to present this idea.



Mixed Use Office|亞灣辦公大樓

The public office and residential projects are located on the harbor side of the Gold Coast, with traces of time imprinted on them, forming a beautiful skyline that is connected and composed.


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Residence Chiahsin|嘉興住宅大樓

Creating a façade that flows like a stream between the public and private domains, extending the local culture and historical memories.


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